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Owning a Pet Can Be Good For Your Health

wellnessBy Hindy Striem
for Sports & Health Magazine.

Owning a pet has many advantages. They are fun to play with and the unconditional love they give us helps our state of mind and represents a reassuring form of companionship.

«A study by the US Department of Health concluded that:


  • Pets increased the survival rate of heart attack victims. The study revealed that 28% of heart patients with pets survived serious heart attacks, compared to only 6% of heart patients without pets.
  • Another study revealed that the cholesterol levels of pet owners were 2% lower than the cholesterol levels of people without pets. The risk of those pet owners having a heart attack was reduced by 4%.
  • Owning a pet can reduce blood pressure as effectively as eating a low-salt diet or reducing alcohol intake.
  • A US survey of 1,000 Medicare patients showed that 40% of the elderly sought the services of a doctor much less frequently than those without animal companions.
  • Nursing homes that use companion animal therapy have experienced a significant reduction in the use of prescription drugs.
  • The overall cost of caring for seniors also dropped.

Health benefits are simply one more reason for adopting a pet. Consider adding a pet to your household. Your veterinarian can help you research the best pet for your family.»*

Other medical studies have also revealed that people who own pets are more likely to have reduced stress levels, cholesterol levels and blood pressure and stress. This is why it is more and more common to see specially trained dogs participating in different «animal therapy» in places like hospitals and nursing homes.

There are different types of pets a person can have. Some are more athletic than others. Even among the breeds of dogs there are some much more agile than others. It’s advisable to choose a pet that fits the owner`s lifestyle.

Even less athletic dogs need to be exercised and walked each day so they will still demand a certain level of physical activity. More athletic dogs are better for those people who like high intensity physical activity such as running or hiking.


The top ten most athletic dogs:

  • The American pit bull terrier
  • The Australian shepherd
  • Border collie
  • Boxer
  • Doberman Pinscher
  • German Shorthaired pointer
  • Greyhound
  • Jack Russell
  • Terrier
  • Rhodesian Ridgeback
  • Siberian Husky**.

Any of these breeds make perfect companions for highly athletic people.

Apart from the physical activity certain pets can provide their owners with, all pets make wonderful companions, help lift their owners spirits and offer a loving environment which results in better health and longevity.

* www.ovma.org
** www.gofygure.hubpages.com