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How your workout affects metabolism

By: Hindy Cortright for the BioFit Center and Sports and Health Magazine.
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Athletes have to follow a training regimen in order to perform at their highest level. Body builders also have to follow a specific nutrition and exercise routine to be prepared for competition.   The same formula applies to those who workout and train to stay healthy and live longer. Therefore it is recommended to create your workouts around the specific goals you want to reach. For example: if your goal is weight loss and overall health, we recommend the «Metabolic Workout» model.

This workout is performed by doing three sets of three rounds of 15 repetitions each, of three different exercises, with a session of intense cardio between sets.

Set 1
A. Chest presses- 15 reps Chest-Press
B. Rows – 15 reps rows
C. Shoulder presses – 15 reps shoulder-press

Repeat each movement three times, then get on the elliptical machine or a bike and do a high intensity cardio session for 3 minutes. Lower intensity for 2 more minutes until done. Move on to next set.

Set 2
A. Lat pull downs – 15 reps lat-pulldown
B. Leg extensions – 15 reps Leg-extension
C. Chest flyes – 15 reps chest-fly

Repeat the three movements three times, then get on the elliptical machine or a bike and do a high intensity cardio session for 3 minutes. Lower intensity for 2 more minutes until done. Move on to next set.

Set 3
A. Hamstring curls – 15 reps hamstring-curls
B. Push ups – 15 reps push-ups
C. Triceps’ extensions – 15 reps triceps-extension
D. 100 abs 100abs

The complete workout session will be completed in 45 to 60 minutes. (To make it more challenging, use medium weight).

This metabolizing workout is great to increase your metabolism so you burn more calories while at rest; it also helps you define your muscles without getting bulky.

Different workouts affect your body in different ways; body builders use heavy weights, less reps and more rest in between sets. Unless you are a body builder, stay away from this formula. Body building is a serious commitment that requires of expert guidance.

Metabolizing workout is the best way to get a lean and toned body among «fat burning cardio» for at least 30 minutes every day to keep the metabolism active between weight training workouts.

For a person in their 20’s and 30’s, I recommend weight training at least three to four times per week. For a person in their 40’s and 50’s I recommend weight training two to three times per week max, at this age less is more. For those above 50, I recommend working with a qualified personal trainer besides two days of weight training per week.