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7 step routine to maximize a 60 min workout

By: Hindy Cortright for the BioFit Center and Sports & Health Magazine.
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The best type of resistance training workout to exercise your whole body is a «full body workout». The objective of this workout is to maximize the effectiveness of each session, exercising as many body parts in the shortest time possible. You must begin by exercising your large muscle groups (chest, back, quadriceps, gluteus maximums and hamstrings).

Workout breakdown

SET 1.
dreamstime_m_1651105CHEST PRESSES

You can do your chest presses with a dumbbell to force your body to balance itself and more assisting muscles get engaged. Make sure to use the weight you can comfortably lift for at least 15 to 20 times. If you are struggling to lift the last 5 reps, the weight is too heavy and you should lower it.





SET 2.

Row is the most complete movement to hit your back muscles from every angle because it engages the rhomboids and your lats. Do 15 to 20 reps of this set.



SET 3.

A great exercise to work your shoulders and abs; your abs has to work to stabilize your torso. When doing this movement make sure to tilt your hip forward and to hold your abdomen muscles tight to avoid curving your back. Use dumbbells for better results.



dreamstime_m_3658466SET 4.

«Step ups» as they are called, is a great exercise to engage your quadriceps and gluteus. To hold your balance, hold on to someone or set the bench close to the wall. Go up slowly making sure your muscles are lifting you without using momentum. Go up and down 15 to 20 times on each leg.








dreamstime_m_3227614SET 5.

Doing leg extensions after doing the bench step ups is a great way to exhaust the quadriceps since they are the primary muscle which was used to do the bench step ups.





SET 6.

After the «step ups» and leg extensions, you should do a less intense movement to get your heart rate down such as Standing up bicep movement. Do 15 to 20 reps with each arm using a weight you can manage.



dreamstime_m_4168065SET 7.

Close your workout with overhead tricep extension with a dumbbell. Do this movement while standing up.





We recommend taking the first three sets and executing them in a circuit like this:

SET 1, SET2 and SET 3 (15 -20 reps, each) and then repeat SET 1, SET 2 and SET 3 and again SET 1 to SET 2 to SET3.

Once you finish the first circuit, start the next circuit: SET 4 to SET 5 to SET 6 also three times.

You should end your workout with 50 to 100 crunches or any other combination of abdominal work.