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How does exercise improve your metabolism and your health?


For many reasons, exercise improves your health and your metabolism, immediately after starting to practice it.

First, let´s look at what constitutes «exercise.»  There are three basic methods of exercise, and each have a different impact in the body. For any of these, to have an impact on the body’s metabolism, they have to be performed for at least 30 minutes to a maximum of 60 minutes per session.

The three methods

  • Resistance training exercise refers to any type of weight baring movements, be it with your own body weight, bands or weights.
  • Cardiovascular exercise refers to high intensity exercise that engages the heart and lungs to its maximum capacity. For example: spinning, mountain biking or running.
  • Aerobic exercise refers to a less strenuous form of cardiovascular exercise where the lungs and heart are working to a slightly lower intensity such as the case of walking or leisurely swimming.

The various methods affect the body in different levels, but they all influence metabolism and health in very similar ways.

«Metabolism is the process by which our bodies combine nutrients with oxygen to produce the energy our body needs in order to maintain normal bodily functions. This energy is measured in calories, and calories are considered fuel to our bodies.»*

Exercise helps boost the metabolism so that it can burn more calories and hence produce more energy.  It has been found that approximately 60% of the energy created from the food we eat is mainly used to keep the body alive. The remaining 40% of the energy can be used to perform other activities like walking, running or other daily activities.  If you did nothing else in one day but eat at regular intervals, about 35% to 40% of the energy from the food ingested would remain in your body without being used (calories not burnt). This equation results in weight gain.  Executing some form of exercise daily is a good way to utilize the excess amount of calories.

It is important to point out, that after exercising, the metabolism is raised significantly and it remains higher than average for approximately 12 hours after the exercise session. This means that the body burns more calories at rest. If you are used to working out you are keeping your metabolism higher than normal all week long, hence burning much more calories than those who do not.  This has a direct effect on your health because if your metabolism is high it helps the body function better all around.

Every organ and major biological system is benefited by exercise. All types of exercise, even the most challenging, improve circulation, raise the level of oxygen in the blood, help lower the level of insulin and sugar in the blood and strengthen all your major organs.

FACT: exercising regularly is the key to a better metabolism and overall better health.


* Source: www.tbfinc.com/metabolism.htm